Head Mistress Speaks :

As it continues to develop and evolve, Nataraja HPS has its goals firmly focused at producing individuals who are creative and inventive, and have a sense of responsibility, dedication, patriotism, character and moral values.

With a vision to be a respected and sought-after group of educational institutions, the school is very much engaged in equipping individuals to be capable of building their own lives in the new millennium. Our mission is to develop competent students with good value systems capable of facing the challenges of the ever changing and competitive world.

What began as a humble endeavor with 1 teacher and 14 students, The school today has evolved into a big institution sponsored by Sree Nataraja Prathishtana, Mysore .

This success of this school is rightly be attributed to our dedicated and committed team of teaching and non-teaching staff, who tirelessly guide our students in their search for knowledge.


M.A, D.Ed